Desert Apes West (Texas) Regional Bigfoot Sightings by Sharon Cornet |
Desert Apes Intro | My Son and Nephew's Bigfoot Sighting Near Las Cruces, NM | EP Times: Some residents believe in Horizon City's monster | Horizon City Bigfoot Sighting | Caves under Horizon City? | Possible Cattle Mutilations Connection | 6 Local Possible Bigfoot Sightings | Pictures of Horizon City Bigfoot Sighting Area | 7 MORE Bigfoot Sightings | 1973 Bigfoot Sighting | 1975 Bigfoot Footprints Found | Bigfoot Screams Heard in Cloudcroft, NM | Additional Reportings for Map | "Tailless Monkey" Seen in El Paso Desert | Three Rivers Bigfoot Sighting | Ruidoso BFRO Expedition and Possible Second Three Rivers Sighting | Plotted Map of El Paso Area PLUS Geology Maps NOTE: This page was made when Sharon Cornet lived in El Paso, TX (she moved to Washington state in 2010) I honestly never thought that my paranormal (UFO) investigations would lead to Bigfoot (other than general interest), but after my son's sighting (and my nephew with him, also having heard the creature) it was inevitable that the tide had turned and that bigfoot was now to become a much more commonly spoken of - and sought after - creature in our lives. The Native Americans of this country have many different names for Bigfoot, Sasquatch being only one of them. The Sioux have called Bigfoot "elder brother" or "big brother" and claim that when such a creature is spotted, that major change is about to occur in your life. For us, this could not be more true! Who would have thought that Bigfoot, who is well known to hide deep in the forests all over the planet, would be seen in the dry southwest desert? But that is exactly where our family's first sighting occurred! I have since discovered, through the help of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center (TBRC) and the Bigfoot Research Organization (BFRO) that there are many other more current sightings in the El Paso regional area, as well as many past sightings, especially in the Franklin Mountains (esp. near Anthony Gap), the Hueco Mountains, south of El Paso in the valley which is more near the Rio Grande river, as well as north towards the Mescalero Indian Reservation and Las Cruces, NM. Bigfoot is rarely thought to wander far from the forest, but it seems that he/she has done so, and on more than one occasion! Possibly even living out in desert caves, in the dryer mountains, or other hidden places. I am going to include below a number of sightings and reports. Some are from the past and some more recent. All data on dates and locations will be included. Names are given where known or allowed. Please keep reading to the bottom as there is a map where I've plotted approximate locations of Bigfoot sightings. This page will continue to be updated as new information arrives and is placed here. Some of these can be found on the TBRC or BFRO websites as well. All sources are listed. It's all rather fascinating! Read on.... |
My Son and Nephew's Bigfoot Sighting Near Las Cruces, NM Submitted by Sharon Eby & Investigated by TBRC Source: Submitted by witness on Wednesday, December 5, 2001. DATE: Nov. 24, 2001 SEASON: Winter STATE: New Mexico NEAREST TOWN: Las Cruces, NM, just north of El Paso, TX. OBSERVED: We were camping for Thanksgiving week. There were 3 adults, 2 teenagers and 2 small children. My 14 yr old son was outside in the night getting me something from our SUV when he turned to see what he described as an 8' tall humanoid shaped figure walking south in the half-moonlight. He had no flashlight to look closer but when he saw it/him/her (I'll just call it an "it") he got scared and ran into the trailer where we all were. The weather was fairly cold (just a little above freezing if I remember right) and it was just after a sandstorm had passed through the two days before. All was clear with few clouds in the sky that night. Once inside he told us and we laughed and thought he was joking so we suggested that perhaps, because of it's size, that it was Bigfoot. I have a friend who knows/knew some people and had heard of at least 4 Bigfoot sightings in the El Paso Franklin Mountain area over the last decade or so, especially in the "Anthony Gap" pass on the north side of the Franklin Mountains outside of El Paso... so anyway, it was not unheard of to know of Bigfoot sightings in the desert even though they usually live in forested areas. We have, within an hours drive of there, many forested and wooded areas in the mountains all over New Mexico and it is not a far reach to think they would roam outside their territory on occasion... especially in the dark of night. So after we got a good laugh my nephew, age 18, took his flashlight and they stood just outside the trailer looking to see if they could see this 8' tall figure my son claimed to have seen. Just then, although they didn't see anything, they heard a very large growl, like a warning sound or angry sound type growl, along with a shuffling of the dirt, or digging of the dirt with a foot(?) which reminded my nephew of a bull scraping the dirt with it's foot just before it runs towards you. The boys both freaked out completely and ran inside the trailer falling down and slamming the door behind them all at the same time. They were yelling and absolutely CONVINCED that whatever it was that was outside made the growl. I asked a series of questions, still not believing that they weren't trying to fool us, and I could plainly see that Derek was totally freaked out and absolutely unwilling to go outside anymore. He was truly afraid... it was then that I realized it was real. I suddenly got this feeling that we were in danger, although I had not heard of a Sasquatch /Bigfoot attacking anyone before (except once when the stupid people threw rocks at one). We just stayed inside peeking out the windows with flashlights trying to see anything but alas, no such luck... but then perhaps, because of the growl, it was for the best that we didn't see anything. After a while I felt the danger feeling pass and all was ok, even though we all locked the door to the trailer and our friend (who sleeps in his car) locked his car during the night. The boys drove back to Las Cruces to spend the night because they were too afraid to stay and my nephew had to work the next morning. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: We didn't check the area until the next morning. Due to the winds still being up a bit and also the entire area we were camping at being pure sand (blowing sand at that) there was nothing left of footprints or evidence left behind. OTHER STORIES: Just
from the friend who knows/knew some people and had heard of at least 4 Bigfoot sightings
in the El Paso Franklin Mountain area over the last decade or so, especially in the
"Anthony Gap" pass on the north side of the Franklin Mountains outside of El
Paso TIME AND CONDITIONS: 9 pm, near freezing temperature. ENVIRONMENT: BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land, hilly, mountainous, rocky/sandy/desert. All BLM land which is free range lands, cattle and other animals graze sometimes as there was plenty of old cow patties around the land. A popular area for people who go mountain biking, ATVing, 4 wheeling, etc. during the daytime only. No one was around or camping even except us. Nearer the highway there a some scattered homes and ranches and a food factory, otherwise it's a hilly and mountainous area, although mostly desert vegetation.... not typical for a Bigfoot area, but still we have no other "logical" answers at this time due to what happened. SIGHTING LOCATION PHOTO: INVESTIGATOR'S COMMENTS: There
were five witnesses present during the sighting. Two witnesses were involved. The
temperature was near freezing. There was moonlight with very few clouds. The terrain is
desert with ravines. The two witnesses were a 14 year old and his 18 year old cousin. They were camping with his mother, Grandmother, and a family friend, and two small children. I talked to the 14 year old and his mother on two different occasions. Both were very accommodating. The mother's report had not changed from the written report submitted to our website. The 14 year old went outside of the camper to get some soft drinks from the car. As he approached the car he saw a black, large figure walking on two legs through a ravine. The figure appeared humanoid. He could not make out any facial features or any other details. He could tell that the figure was approximately 8' ft. tall. He guessed this because the ravine the creature was walking in was 10 ft. deep. After the sighting, his cousin, with a flashlight, walked back out with him to investigate. The creature was no longer in sight. After a few minutes, a long, loud growl was heard along with a digging sound. The digging sounded more like what a bull/buck would do with his hoof against the ground when angered. The sound of the growl was both of anger and intimidation. Both boys ran back into the camper trailer very much upset. The remaining witnesses that were inside the trailer, could tell the boys were very serious and frightened. TBRC Investigator ©Copyright 1999-2002 Texas Bigfoot Research Center After that sighting we thought no more of it until summer of 2003 when an article came out in the El Paso Times newspaper... at that point I was DETERMINED to find the witness and talk with her myself! That proved to be much harder than I had imagined, but thankfully the Journalist from the El Paso Times was MOST helpful and contacted the witness for me, who in turn contacted me. Below is the actual article that was posted in the El Paso Times. After this article is my own follow-up and served as my induction into the TBRC. Source:
It was the article above which spurred my interest into investigating the case of this El Paso/Horizon City sighting. Thanks to Adriana Chavez of the El Paso Times the witness called me on my cell phone AFTER we had been all over Horizon City (east of El Paso) looking for her, checking out the area and making notes on the area, terrain, and bodies of water, double-checking with locals, speaking with people at Lake El Paso (what used to be called Shadow Mountain Lakes), and even checking with local police and city officials. Thank goodness for small favors! I made an appointment with the witness, Cecilia Montanez (real name withheld by request) and took along my nephew Derek Eby, who has been my partner in investigations (UFO's, Marfa Lights, etc.) many times in the past, and his girlfriend (name withheld). We interviewed Montanez at her home, took pictures of the area, and recorded the interview on videotape. As you can see below, my investigation of this particular case brought up some interesting aspects that wasn't covered in the original Times article! My additions in purple below... Source: Submitted by field investigator (Sharon Eby) on Saturday, August 23, 2003. DATE: August 04, 2000 SEASON: Summer STATE: Texas COUNTY: El Paso NEAREST TOWN: Horizon City, a subdivision of El Paso NEAREST WATER SOURCE: Lake El Paso OBSERVED: The witness was traveling southwest on Eastlake Blvd just before noon. Her granddaughter (8 yrs old) was with her in the front seat, too short to see through the window and not looking outside anyway. She said that even later she was too busy WATCHING the creature to tell her granddaughter to look. She saw up ahead about three or four blocks distance from her (note that there are not actual "blocks" shown by roads and that this distance is the witness' estimation of distance) a large hairy creature leaning over something on the ground. It instantly stood up and walked with a STRAIGHT back on two feet towards the desert to the west, perpendicular to the road. Sighting occurred on west side of the road, and the creature was standing three feet from the road. Desert stands far to the west and north of this area starting at the road. NOW there are housing developments across the street and SW about 1 block away. During 2000 the nearest homes were not that close (but still within sight). The creature did not appear to notice her or her vehicle and walked casually away, swinging its arms naturally while walking up and over a sand mound. Upon going down over the back side of the sand mound it seemed to slightly "jog like a guy" down the hill and keep going down and down until it disappeared. She said that it seemed as if it went down into a cave into the desert even though she (the next day) could not find a cave entrance in the area (she figured perhaps it had a trap door of some kind). Creature was last seen approximately 50 feet or so original spot before disappearing "into the ground." She said that she had seen the creature for perhaps 30 seconds or so total as she was driving and reaching the destination, where she stopped the vehicle. She reached the destination of where the creature had been crouching when she first saw it and noticed that there was a dead coyote where "he" (the creature) had been before he got up to walk away. The coyote was laying on its left side with a hand-sized FRESH blood smear on it's right side. She did not see any bite marks on the carcass. Nor did she get out of the vehicle at all. She noticed the coyote's head was severed CLEANLY as if by a knife or other instrument and tossed approximately 10-15 ft to the west (into the desert away from the road) and that NO BLOOD was present anywhere on the neck (neck cut looked shiny as if glistening, and was a light pinkish color with no blood at all) and no blood was present (other than the smear) on the carcass, nor on the ground. She did not feel safe enough to get out of the car and finally drove away. DESCRIPTION: Creature appeared to be 7-8 feet tall, perhaps 300-350 lbs (a guess), wide at shoulders, slim at the hips, horizontal-looking muscles flexing between shoulder blades, dull (not shiny) & faded maroon short hair (uniformly short), and much rounder (more bulbous) at the back of the head than shown in the artist's depiction drawing, she said. It appeared to have small but pointy-like ears(?) and an ape-like but bulldog shaped mouth (but longer, not squashed). She also said that the legs and arms in the artist's depiction were not right, that in the drawing they looked "too human" and were more "ape-like." She did not get a good look at the creature's eyes or facial expressions and had seen his profile (right side) only, but his neck was short and wide. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE: She and her husband and another man-friend came back the following day to check out the area and the sighting location, but the carcass was gone, no cave was found and no more creatures were seen nor were any footprints found as the desert there is sandy and the winds come and go. She did notice that her husband and friend (they are 5'-10" and 6'-2" tall) looked very short compared to how the creature looked standing in the same area. After this incident she immediately followed up by going to the library to see if there was any other information available on such creatures seen in the desert there, and started talking with people in the area. She found out some interesting stories that seem to correlate to hers which I will share in a separate email/submission after some follow-up visits and phone calls are made. OTHER STORIES: Yes, she had after that (about October 2002). She had been driving home about 9pm at night. It had been sprinkling rain and as she turned the corner to the SW (her house is 3 doors from the corner on the S side of the road) she noticed that a creature of great height was standing in the entryway of her next door neighbor's house (house was NE of hers). The creature appeared to have same shape and build as the one she had previously seen in the desert and his eyes appeared to glow red (similarly how cat's eyes glow in the dark). The creature walked upright in front of the house, then fell down on all fours and ran QUICKLY (like a blur) up the street, around the corner (to the SE) and into the desert. NOTE: Homes are being built just a few blocks SE of Montanez's house, but it is open desert beyond that. To the NW of her subdivision her home is 5 blocks from the edge of the desert also. The area is expanding quickly from the SW towards the NE. SOUNDS HEARD: No sounds associated with either sighting above, however she was once taking the trash out at night to her backyard (she had just lifted the trash can lid), by the back rock wall (pine trees line the edge of the wall) and she heard a DEEP growl like warning noise! She said it did not sound like anything or any animal she had ever heard before and sounded like it was made from deep within the chest. This sound correlates to the same type of sound that my nephew and son heard north of Las Cruces, NM in 2001 that scared them so badly. After hearing the sound, she went inside the house immediately. Nothing was seen. No odors were smelled. This noise happened June of 2003 towards the beginning of the month between 8:30 - 9:00 pm just after it got real dark. ODORS: No odors any time. She was in her car for both of the sightings with windows rolled up. TIME AND CONDITIONS: 11:45 am, sunny day, no wind. ENVIRONMENT: No farms, but many cattle ranches nearby, and subdivisions are fairly new. ARTIST DEPICTION: INVESTIGATOR'S COMMENTS: Approximately 3 blocks northeast of Darrington on Eastlake Blvd in Horizon City (El Paso address). Sighting occurred on west side of the road, and the creature was standing three feet from the road. Desert stands far to the west and north of this area starting at the road. NOW there are housing developments across the street (Eastlake) and SW about 1 block away. During 2000 the nearest homes were not that close (but still within sight). Lake El Paso is the closest body of water, further northeast several miles up Horizon Blvd. Witness also mentioned that below that is a watering pond on a cattle ranch 1 mi before Lake El Paso to the NE. Terrain: Desert with sandy mesquite mounds all over, cacti.
Montanez has heard reports of bats at night flying around the desert (meaning caves are nearby) and that she heard once of someone saying they were in the desert and saw a "tornado" of bats flying out of the ground not far from Lake El Paso. I have also personally seen bats flying out of Carlsbad Caverns, NM and they DO fly out in a spiral pattern from within the cave/cavern. Also I have heard of a separate report from my son's friend earlier this spring, 2003 of a cave entrance being found behind the middle school in Horizon. We also checked this out and it is desert behind the middle school. The witness also said she had talked to the construction crew who were working on the sewer pipes for the school that was being built and the workers told her they had found a cave and had to fill it in with dirt, and saw a branch-off of the cave leading somewhere else. They had to fill in the cave so they could build the school.
Possible Cattle Mutilations Connection I have noticed an intriguing correlation between the coyote having no blood and the incidences of cattle and other animal mutilations related to UFO reports, etc. Note: This is the personal opinion of the individual field investigator, Sharon Eby. Another lead from the witness was given to me about a cattle rancher in west El Paso (follow-up will hopefully occur) who had this happen to his cattle, where the FBI, etc. showed up right afterwards and took the animals (4 cows).
Six Local Possible Bigfoot Sightings Information given by Cecilia Montanez 1) A male relative (anonymous) was shooting rabbits 20 yrs ago as it was getting dark and on the way to the car red glowing eyes were seen behind the mesquite bush. He aimed his gun at it and the creature charged, hair and tall (flashlights used???) and he shot towards it and ran and left the scene. 2) 10-11 yrs ago the witness' son used to do what they called “rocking the red eyes” out in the desert. They would stand by their fire and see at least 5 pairs of (tall) red eyes glowing and pacing around them. They would throw rocks at them until they left. NOTE from Sharon Eby: Please note that I once received a report of a boy and his father seeing "green eyes" from many tall beings in the darkness out east of El Paso in the desert which they thought were chupacabras. These creatures made clicking noises similar to those on the movie "Signs" and freaked both the boy and the father out. I interviewed the boy around summer of 2002 (I believe). Interestingly enough, MOST (not all) chupacabra reports have green eyes or yellow eyes, and rarely red eyes, whereas MOST (not all) bigfoot reports have red eyes, sometimes yellow/gold eyes, and rarely green eyes. A common link between the chupacabra (translated "goat sucker") is that they suck the blood out of their animal prey. In this ONE particular case with Montanez's sighting, the Bigfoot was seen hunched over a coyote carcass which had been cleanly decapitated and no blood existed except for the small smear on the fur, but NO BLOOD on the neck or head itself! Whether this Bigfoot caused this occurence in the coyote, or stumbled upon it is anyone's guess. 3) In NE El Paso at the Shrine, some friends of the the witness (couple from CA coming to the Bowie high school reunion last year (’02)) saw red eyes glowing down the embankment of the edge of the Franklin mountains at night (did not see creature). 4) A local Judge (or a friend of his?) saw, when jogging behind the Cadillac bar on Montana St., an upright creature (running as a blur) kill the manager of the bar. Creature ran upright (may be at night after closing?). 5) On Pebble Hills/Yarbrough streets in El Paso (witness lived on Yarwood) a friend’s son came out of a convenient store and saw eyes behind a bush, then an “ape” ran out and went up the street towards Montana St and out towards the desert. This was at Ft. Bliss (Biggs Field) years ago before loop 375 was built. 6) A woman's mother (presently 84 yrs old) talked about her mom telling her older brothers (on Horizon ranch) about 40 or so years ago to get the cattle in before dark or the “Gorilonas” (offshoot word in Spanish for something similar to a “Gorilla”) come out. Follow-ups on much of this will be done. I have more details on witness' address, phone number, etc. on Bigfoot sighting as well as other information and some names from above stories. A video tape was made of the account. Maps with locations of sightings will be drawn up eventually as well. Sharon Eby ©Copyright 1999-2003 Texas Bigfoot Research Center Pictures of Horizon City Bigfoot Sighting Area These pictures are some of the ones that I took of the Horizon area where Cecilia Montanez had her sightings. These photos can ONLY be found here on this website - Unified Worlds. Please note that the photos below overlap in an effort for a panoramic view...
Seven More Bigfoot Sightings from the Past These sightings were relayed to me many years ago by my friend Chuck Reel. He either knew the people who had these sightings or else had friends who knew them. One sighting is a first-hand account. Once all the above Horizon sightings were investigated then I got a hold of Chuck and asked him to tell me what he remembered about the bigfoot sightings he knew of. Here is what he wrote... Wednesday, October
08, 2003 9:51 PM 1) Well, here goes. The 1st one was in NE El Paso on "snob knob" when a man was in the shower and heard a noise outside on his deck. When he looked out his window, he was staring into the face of a bigfoot (BF) which turned and ran. He quickly ran outside to see the BF running northward across an arroyo from his house. 2) 2nd was an incident on the dirt road on the south side of Trans-mountain Road on the east side of the mtn. A group of several vehicles were 4 wheeling and one was stuck. A BF let out a scream which terrified all present and someone shot the BF and was convinced it was hit as it really screamed and came running down the mtn towards the people. They jumped in their vehicles and slammed one into the stuck one to get it moving and left the area quickly. 3) 3rd was on Anthony gap road when a guy going westbound early in the morning saw an animal's eyes reflecting in the headlights. He stopped in a dip and pulled out his rifle hoping to shoot a deer and rushed to the spot. Looking through his scope, he saw 2 BF creatures heading north and that was the last sighting I've heard about. 4) However, when I was in high school, a friend and I were out catching rattlesnakes in the middle of a hot summer day on Indian Nose just NW of the 1st corner on the east side of Trans mtn rd when we got a flat tire. Below us we saw what we thought was a huge black man walking north over the old military bunker hill behind the now museum. When we realized nobody would be stupid enough to wear all black in that hot sun, we believed we were seeing a BF and got scared trying to get out of there with the flat and a banded rock rattler. 5) One incident also happened to me personally before high school when Curtis Sackse and I were camping in the canyon just before cottonwood canyon to the north off Trans mtn rd. We camped on top of a cliff in a valley full of leaves so nothing could come down the canyon without us hearing it and nothing could come up the cliff yet "something" was between us and the cliff. It was night so we made the fire bigger and we could see red eyes working around our camp sight. We thought it was our friends scaring us but we changed our minds after warning it and then began shooting constant BB's at it and throwing every rock at it we could find. It would disappear for awhile and then reappear a few feet away and we would bombard it again. This went on for hours and I'm convinced that any normal animal like a mountain lion would have ran away immediately so I think it was a BF. 6) Oh, and there was last year when Jan Peek and I were elk hunting in CO near the NM line when we heard a BF scream less than a 100yards away that made the hair on our necks stand up and we left the area quickly only to return the next day to search the area and found nothing. Update 3/25/04: 7) Just across the New Mexico line from Texas on WarRoad is a plant that deals with hazardous waste. An employee lived in the mobile home behind the plant and one night he heard his fenced-in German Shepherd barking furiously at something in the desert. All of a sudden he heard a loud thud and heard his dog yelping as it was knocked over the fence and ran off into the desert. The next day he went searching for the dog in the Franklin Mountains behind his home and he found tracks of a bigfoot which scared him so bad that he went home, packed up his belongings and moved away from the area immediately. Area behind Rinchem Plant north of El Paso just across the NM state line (picture taken 5/1/04) Click on picture to enlarge Here are a couple of other older El Paso area sightings Source: BFRO/TBRC 1973 Bigfoot Sighting The
first time was when I was 12 years old I heard what I thought was a women The second time was when I was 17 It
was a crisp cool evening about twilight in the valley of I told my cousin to be quiet and my
instincts said to ran I began to run my cousin I had given up my bed for my aunt that
night she had had a fight with her husband and so I slept I heard what I thought was my brother
I called out his name Trinidad is that you it was after midnight there was a I believe this creatures do exist I also believe that they migrate into Mexico I know that the Indians of New Mexico marcirated into Mexico the Navajo Geranimo. The third time was when I was about 16
I was with my boyfriend we were on the Rio Grande making out in the back seat it was late
at night and I heard something that
put chills down my back I said to Mike what was that he said it This is the legend I grew up with it is a old Mexican wives tale I know better We tend to protect our subconscious with the Easter bunny and Santa Claus not what were really afraid to accept the fact the the boogie man is real and living among us . Also Noticed Nothing expect I could have messed myself! Conditions around 7:00 dark
twilight it was cold Other Stories no we moved soon
after Year 1973 Source: BFRO/TBRC On Mon Dec 29 15:02:11 2003, The following information was submitted: Name: (withheld) Gender: M Age: 49 Street Address: (withheld) Country: USA Date: 09/12/75 Time: approx 1600 hrs Weather: dry, warm City: Horizon City County: El Paso State: TX Location hwy: Horizon Blvd and Horizon CC golf course, West approx. .5 mile Location water: drainage ditch next to the golf course What happened : Found approx. a quarter mile of footprints along a sand dune in the creosote bushes. Backtracked to the NE until lost upon hard ground. Lost to the SW at a hard arroyo and could not pick up the trail again. Photographs were taken and the prints were 17 inches long and 7 inches wide. The remarkable thing about the prints were that all five toes were not evident in all the prints... indicating the creature that made the prints had flexible toes (not like a fake foot) where the little toe and the one next to it had lifted occasionally when the prints were made. Another remarkable thing about the prints were that they led often through the middle of 4-foot creosote bushes, crushing the main branches, indicating to me that the prints were not faked because a human would never have done this and risked physical injury. The search was started due to a number of sightings in 1975 which the El Paso Times reported and named the creature the "Horizon City Prince." It all started after 9-1-75 when a 17-year-old reported a face-to-face while dove hunting on or about 9-1-75 near the golf course. A number of reporters also had a visual encounter during a moonlit night and reportedly saw a dark, large, bipedal figure striding down a large sand dune. I happened to be out at night with a friend of mine named Sam B. in his Jeep when I noticed something wrong with a creosote bush as we passed. We circled back and discovered the crushed bush and the large footprints. We took a dune buggy back the next day and searched for the same bush by following the tracks from the night before. That's when David N., Frank H., and I tracked the prints and photographed them. David N. has the photos and I haven't been able to locate him for some years. I now believe he lives in Leesville, LA. but as yet I haven't found him. Frank and Sam still live in El Paso. No physical evidence: see above...and I will send them if I can find Dave N. terrain : Other (Describe Below) other: sand and desert with yucca, creosote (greasewood), Activities: driving in off-road vehicles...a common recreation in El Paso Prior sight: I left the area in 1981 and don't know about subsequent incidents but several sightings occurred during that September Prior sound: It's the desert and strange things/sounds occur all the time Farm: The developers of Horizon City had attempted to install a recreational lake about 3 or 4 miles East of this location and held water at this time. UPDATE! New Sighting Report 2/13/04 Additional Source: "Tailless Monkey" Seen in El Paso Desert Witness: Male Bigfoot Screams Heard in Cloudcroft, NM TBRC Report given by Sharon Eby & Dr. Bruce Cornet Sharon Eby is the TBRC West Regional Leader
& Dr. Bruce Cornet (previous Deputy
Administrator of NIDS). They both interviewed the witnesses in their current
respective locations for this compiled report. TBRC Site Official Report:
April 11, 2004 (Interview with witness Hector V. on Thurs, April 8) I spoke with the witness, Hector V., here in El Paso at his place of residence. The story of his and his friend Edgar R. hearing the screams of what they (he) believed to be a bigfoot creature was exactly as he had submitted on his original online sighting report last October. I did find out more details, however, including obtaining a map of the area with the exact location of the occurrence, as well as a hand-drawn map of the campground area and the direction that the creature came from and moved towards. I will make these maps available for the final report.
Click picture to enlarge A correction by Hector regarding the date of the sighting was given to me as Summer (mid-July) of 1995, rather than 1996. The time of the sighting was anywhere from 11pm to 1am, he is unsure of just where in there it happened. The weather was clear, dry, and the evenings were cool enough up in the mountains to need a jacket. Sighting occurred in Lincoln County, NM. The area is wooded (although thinly within the campground itself), and the grounds were nestled between two hills in a more flat area at the bottom. Mountains and hills surround the area, and are heavily wooded with pine trees, etc. Hector was unsure of any caves, mines, or abandoned shelters in the area at all. In the campground there was a hand water pump and a puddle beneath it but he was not aware of any bodies of water outside of the campground. No bigfoot creature was seen by Hector, and he said his friend Edgar did not see it either, they only heard it screaming (Hector showed me a sound byte from the BFRO website ( ) which still sends chills up his spine and that reminded him a LOT of the screams he and Edgar heard that night). They were awakened from within their tent in the night by a screaming in the distance that sounded like a cross between a woman and a baby. Hector stated that the sounds continued, with pauses in between, from very far in the distance, until they came closer, and into the campground. He (they) could tell that the creature was not human, nor did it sound like any animal they had ever heard before (their first thought was that it was a bear, except that bears did NOT make that kind of noise!). The creature, they thought, was walking through the campground checking out the 4 spots or so where campers were at, and possibly foraging for food. The creature got to their camp and stood near the fire pit, or between the fire pit and their tent. Total distance was estimated to be at approximately 20 to 25 feet away from the tent. The creature continued to scream and pause, grunting and sounding like it was sniffing in the pauses. Then it would scream LOUD again and it started to walk off into the forest. The witnesses dared not poke their heads out of the tent because of the fear of possible danger. The only weapon they had was a hammer, which they held onto tightly, just in case. They could hear the creature walk away from their tent and by the time it got far enough away they could no longer hear it they were finally able to
settle down and get some sleep. Estimated time from the first screams they heard until the last screams they heard were approximately 10-15 minutes,
which indicates that the being was able to travel quite fast. The creature seemed to know exactly where it was going. Hector and Edgar got up the
next morning and looked for tracks, but none were found.
~~~ End of Report Part I (Part II - Interview with Edgar R. continues below...)
Click picture to enlarge
Hector V. remembers being at a party once in May of 1985 at the Tom Mays State Park on the west side of the Franklin Mountains in El Paso, TX. He got together with a bunch of friends to drink beer and talk and hang out. After a few beers they got into a deep discussion about God, one of their friends not believing in such. They would walk up the hill to go to the bathroom, but Hector had an ominous feeling and so went downhill instead, where his friends
could see him in case anything should happen. Two friends (one who believed in God) and another, named Norma, went up the hill when it was their turn to go to the bathroom... he went left and she went right. After a little bit they came back saying, "Get out of here!" The guy was pale looking, even in the moonlight. Neither he nor Norma wanted to talk about what had happened. The next week the man admitted to seeing a "tall humanoid" that was "furry" hovering over Norma, but she didn't see anything, although she could FEEL it's breath behind her. It scared them both very much. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Another story Hector V. has relayed was about two friends of his who are married. They recently went to Hector's house and he showed them the sound byte of the bigfoot scream from the BFRO website. The woman, Pati, listened to it and realized that she had also heard that same kind of scream before. She
told him about when she was young, and lived in Juarez, Mexico (adjacent to El Paso) near the Rio Grande and old El Paso ASARCO copper smelting plant and how they (she and her friends) would have to cross an old revine to get home as kids. They would sometimes forget the time and wind up coming home in the dark. Her mother had warned them of the "creature" that was "going to get you" so to be home earlier than dark. On the way home one night she heard a scream which sounded like the scream Hector had showed her on the internet. She also remembers hearing the same noises from bed at night many times.
Part II - INTERVIEW REPORT by Dr. Bruce Cornet Interview with Possible Bigfoot Witness
Date of Interview: 15 April 2004.
Interviewer: Dr. Bruce Cornet, Previous Deputy Director of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS)
Witness: First Name: Edgar Location: Las Vegas, NV Other witnesses: First Name Hector Location: El Paso The Type of Incident: Screams or cries made by some unknown animal that approached the tent of the witnesses and then moved away (Hector Valles's description), while they were camping near Cloudcroft, NM.
Date of Incident: Late August 1995 (just before 26 August. Edgar remembered because 26 April is his birthday, and it was only a couple days or so before his birthday).
Time of Incident: Near Midnight, and definitely after they had gone to bed and Edgar was sound asleep. He did not check the time.
Weather Conditions: Chilly but not cold, due to higher altitude during the Summer. Hector had told Edgar to bring a jacket, and although it was still hot in El Paso, he was glad he had brought a jacket. It had not been raining as far as he can recall. Being inside the tent, he did not know if it was cloudy or clear at the time of the incident.
Location of Incident: White Sands National Monument Area Campgrounds just north of Cloudcroft, NM (# 14 on map).
Topographic map of area around Cloudcroft, NM.
Description of Area of Incident: Edgar recalls Hector driving on NM State Road 244, turning into a campground, and parking near the main road. He also recalls pitching their tent within eyesight of Hector's car, and that the ground was relatively level (no slope or incline). There were a few other cars and campers at this site. It was forested with open areas for pitching tents and parking cars.
There are no known caves, mines, or abandoned shelters in the area. The nearest bodies of water are small to large lakes about 21-22 miles west near Alamogordo, NM. The area around Cloudcroft has many small ephemeral streams coming off numerous hills and small mountains.
No actual sighting of an animal was made by Edgar or by Hector. All they both heard were screaming sounds made by some unknown animal. Edgar says Hector woke him up out of a sound sleep, and being drowsy, he doesn't know how long he listened to the animal sounds, but it was for more than 10 screams. Edgar said Hector kept saying, "Do you hear that?" and "What is it?" A sound similar to what Edgar says he heard can be found at Edgar chose that particular sound after listening to several alleged Bigfoot sounds on that website. Because he was not afraid, he went back to sleep. If the screams were consecutive without much time in between them as in the above recording, he listened for less than one minute before going back to sleep. He said he could have listened longer, but not much more than five minutes before falling asleep. Edgar said Hector appeared visibly upset and afraid, staid up past when he fell back to sleep, and the next morning told him more about what had happened. Edgar was not aware that the animal making the sounds came close to their tent. Nor was he aware of any strange odors. They did not examine the area for tracts, and they did not ask any of the other campers whether they had heard the screams that night. Edgar said Hector asked one of the park rangers about animals that screamed in the night, and the ranger said the area had many cougars that occasionally would make scream-like sounds (possibly females in heat). Conclusion
The sound Edgar remembers hearing was not that of a cougar. A cougar cry sounds like this: A female cougar in heat sounds like this: A cougar snarl sounds like this: None are similar to the sounds allegedly coming from Bigfoot ( The sound Edgar says he heard is like the BIGFEET.wav linked above. Whatever this animal was, it was not a cougar. Its screaming as it approached, entered, and left the campsite (according to Hector) is unlike the behavior of any known wild animal, except one that might have been injured and in constant pain.
Yours Sincerely,
Bruce Cornet, Ph.D. --------------------------------------------------------------- Investigator comment from Sharon Eby and Dr. Bruce Cornet: Hector may not have been aware that Edgar fell back to sleep and thought he was still listening to the creature. Edgar stated he was very groggy and tired and soon fell asleep after hearing the initial screams. Additional Investigators comment: Edgar stated he figured on hearing animals in the woods and did not feel threatened, however Hector was quite afraid and stayed awake until the creature had come through the camp and passed on by, fading into the distance. It is strange that Edgar, even though groggy, could sleep through such screams so close to the camp. (paranormal indicator similar to alleged alien abduction scenarios?)
Follow - up Pictures/Maps added by Sharon Eby 5/1/04
Panoramic view of campground area at front gate
Submitted by Sharon Eby, TBRC Investigator - Official TBRC Report: url coming soon! Co-Researcher/Investigator: Dr. Bruce Cornet Date of Report: 7/7/04 Date of Sighting: Summer of 2000 or 2001 Witness: John Bohannon Sighting Location: Three Rivers Campground (north of Alamogordo) - Lincoln County. Closest Lat/Long coordinates I could find are N33 24.018' by W105 53.653' (Update! Actual Lat/Long is: 33 23.999N and 105 53.879W NAD27) Location Description: Hilly, desertous foothills with juniper trees, cacti (yucca, cholla, etc.). Pines and deciduous trees (including Aspen, oaks) in the forested area approx. 1/4-1/2 mile away from bigfoot sighting area and continue on up the mountain range. Large mountains (Sierra Blanca peak looms at 12,000 ft within eyesight) run north/south and are located east of there. Multiple bigfoot sightings have occurred on the east side of the mountain near Ruidoso and the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation in this same mountain range. Geological features include granitic intrusions... the area is a major center of igneous rock types. Sighting Details: In summer of either 2000 or 2001 John Bohannon witnessed a creature he called bigfoot on a small ridge next to a hill located just west of the Three Rivers Campground north of Alamogordo, NM (west of Ruidoso on the west side of the mountain). During daylight hours John was traveling east on the dirt road in his truck when he glanced over to his right and noticed a tall hairy ape-like creature walking in the same direction as he was driving. It was taller than the cholla cacti nearby (estimated by John to be at least 8' tall) and it looked toward John as it kept walking. It's arms hung longer than it's knees, and had short brown hair with a reddish tinge all over it's body. The only long hair was underneath it's forearms, and the shortest hair was at it's lower back/buttocks area. With knees slightly bent, but otherwise standing upright, the long-striding creature kept walking eastwardly, still staring at John, for approximately 100' until it seemed to vanish into thin air. A juniper tree was near where the bigfoot creature disappeared but the creature did not appear to actually walk behind it. Because of this strange aspect John thought it must've walked into a portal of some kind, but was unsure of just what happened (portal or some sort of camouflage?). John's best description of the bigfoot's face was that of a "Neanderthal" being neither quite ape, nor quite human, but like a combination of both. Pictures below are thumbnailed. Click on picture to see enlarged version.
Additional notes: This report came as a timely surprise since we were supposed to have gone camping near Roswell. Upon learning of a UFO conference in the area over 4th of July weekend we decided to change our plans on where we would go. My mom suggested Three Rivers since she had been there before. It was our first time visiting but upon finding granitic intrusions (granite-rock-laden geological features), plus the fact that I knew Ruidoso and the Mescalero Reservation was just across the mountain (both areas having had previous bigfoot sightings), I KNEW that there was a HIGH possibility of there being more bigfoot sightings in the Three Rivers area. After speaking with John on day one, it was day two when I asked him not IF there had been any bigfoot sightings, but this instead, "So how many bigfoot sightings have you heard of here?" John was quick to tell me about his own sighting. The rest is history. Please note that the "portal" view light in the photo above is NOT claimed to be an actual portal (could be a form of camouflage was used), nor is it concluded that the bigfoot creature entered any such portal to disappear from the witness' view; however, although there are obvious paranormal indicators in many bigfoot sighting reports (if one knows what to look for) and the possibility is certainly not discounted. For the sake of the scientific process, and logic involved, the "portal" which coincidentally showed up on the digital photo could very well be just light refraction on the lens since the camera WAS facing west, into the sun, even though Sharon Eby attempted to kneel down behind the shade of the Juniper tree to avoid any such light entering the lens. I do find it interesting and intriguing though, at the very least, that this light showed up in the supposed exact spot of where the bigfoot was SEEN to disappear from view. Curious! Additionally, it is important to note that both Dr. Bruce Cornet, and Sharon Eby felt that the "veil was thin that day" for bigfoot witness, John Bohannon, due to a (possible time-rift?) sighting of an 1860's full-garb cowboy on a horse which John saw come out of a mesquite bush, ride south (from the north side of the same road he saw the bigfoot on, except it happened three miles further to the west approx. 5 minutes earlier) a short distance and then disappear into another mesquite bush. Could it be that these two incidences of the cowboy and the bigfoot are related in some way? Is the reason that bigfoot creatures are not ever captured, or skeletons found, because they are from another time or dimension? Are these creatures coming in and out of portals (please note that this very thing has been witnessed on the Sherman/Bigelow Ranch (Ranch Recon) in Utah) or going in and out of the earth itself (underground cave systems or artificial openings/rooms within granitic intrusions)? These are but some of the hypothesis proposed by many in the field when it comes to the paranormal. Many cryptozoologists do not agree with this view, seeing bigfoot as nothing more than an actual human-like ape type creature which is closer to animal than human in its origins and behaviours. Some background on John Bohannon: John is of Irish/Nordic/Celtic/Native American (Cherokee) heritage mix by blood and is a UFO Experiencer, Caretaker of the Three Rivers Campground, is in tune with the earth, practices earth-based spirituality, heads sweat lodges for purification, feels/senses many feminine spirits which hang around the area (an old Indian living grounds with petroglyphs nearby), and is one of the nicest campground hosts we've ever met. Interestingly enough, John was willing to speak of his UFO sightings openly, and keeps a journal on such, but felt that the "cowboy" and "bigfoot" sightings were so "out there" that he failed to write them down, let alone tell anyone about them until now. As investigators in the field, and having spoken with a combined amount of hundreds of witnesses (UFO/bigfoot/paranormal), both Sharon Eby and Dr. Bruce Cornet felt that John's eyewitness testimony was nothing short of completely honest.
Ruidoso BFRO Expedition and
Possible Second Three Rivers Sighting About 3:00 AM on
December 30th, 2004 Dr Bruce Cornet and I left El Paso and drove a few hours to
meet up with the BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researcher’s Organization) for the Ruidoso, NM
Bigfoot Expedition. Having spoken with Matt
Moneymaker (Director of the BFRO) ahead of time we knew what to do and how to find out
where Base Camp was located. Our
co-researcher Eddie Flores, with the TBRC (Texas Bigfoot Research Center) was scheduled to
go up the previous three days. By the time we
arrived Eddie had left, and we were welcomed by the group, and by Matt Moneymaker, and
told a few interesting stories about the area. A
bigfoot had not been spotted yet, but some possible footprints had been discovered
(nothing conclusive), and some possible scat, as well as a tree break in the Bonito Lake
area. Base Camp with muddy
roads due to rain We spoke with Larry
Kelm who had driven all the way down from Oregon on his past sightings, which were
fascinating to say the least. He gave us a
write-up on his experiences (which has since been updated) and can be read here. It turns out that after speaking with several in
the group, the plans were to break camp and move it to another location due to the heavy
rains the night before and the subsequent mud that ruined the roads at the Base Camp. We were to meet for breakfast and then move on to
the location of the tree break that had been found since the roads there were hard and mud
would not be an issue. We waited for over
three hours, some of the time sitting in the van, until everyone was out of the Base Camp
when we finally spotted Larry leaving. We
followed and noticed he passed the breakfast spot so wondered if he was going on home to
Oregon since he had mentioned possibly leaving. We
turned around, figuring we would lose the group if we continued on. But no one was at the breakfast location either,
and no one was showing up on the radio. Returning
to Base Camp we realized everyone had left, and we couldn’t remember the name (until
that night) where they had said the tree break location was even at! We had lost the group, after only a short time
with them. So we ventured on our own, in
hopes of finding them again later on. Gunar, Paul, and Matt
Moneymaker of the BRFO expedition group Claudia & Larry
Kelm have a “bigfoot club” found previous (elsewhere) to the expedition Gunar holding
“bigfoot club” Club end – what
could this have been used for? Shows wear,
but not strike marks. We wound up driving
down to Mescalero and speaking with the locals, finding a nice topo map showing the roads
on the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation on the wall at the “Fry Bread and
Chili” store (yum!), and so we drove down through the reservation roads a bit,
looking for signs, tracks, and bigfoot in general. Fry Bread & Chili
Shop One of the locals
with the Tribal Police had pointed up behind the church that was being restored and said
that a lot of sightings and howls had been heard in that area. Church in Mescalero,
and area east and south of there where bigfoot is often heard/seen Others also pointed
in that same direction, east and/or south of Mescalero for sightings by tribal members. We knew a lot of sightings occurred in the Ruidoso
area as well, just south, or west of there. We
checked out all areas of interest, but still had no luck during the daytime. The first night we slept in a motel in Ruidoso,
having made the reservations earlier in expectation of snow and ice and freezing
temperatures in the area; but the weather was great!
The next day we checked out the geology
of the area discovering that Permian limestone had been intruded in places with igneous
rock, as well as some faulting apparent in some of the outcrops. We were curious to see if any karst caves were in
the area or not, having seen protokarst in the limestone behind the Pizza Hut in Ruidoso. Limestone boulders
left over after mountainside was bulldozed out leave clues to possible caves in the area Bruce chipping away
at Limestone boulders Protokarst (beginnings of limestone solution holes which eventually form caves/caverns) in limestone behind Pizza Hut, Ruidoso, NM Could caves be in the
area for bigfoot to hide in? Cemented rock pieces
on the bottom of this boulder show a cave was present before this rock was displaced Tiny stalactites and
calcite formations on the “roof” of this tiny protokarst cave that was once in
the hillside before it was dug out Limestone with
calcite deposits on “cave roof” The second night we
camped out, right west of the Bonito Lake area. It
was obvious that the BFRO group had scattered by then, but we stayed anyway. The Bonito Lake area had igneous rocks all around
it (basalt, andesite, and rhyolite were all found in the same outcrop!). The Lat/Long of area is: 33 19.409N by 105
37.657W NAD27 Bonita Lake We set up camp on
National Forest lands, built a fire, set out bait (sardines for smell, and beer since that
is one of the things we had heard more than once that bigfoot likes! Ha!) and set up the
“big ear” (a parabolic dish with microphone and tape recorder to tape any sounds
from the woods or the area) and played music for a while.
We slept inside the van once it got too late and cold outside. Dogs barked up the canyon for a good while. This was new years eve so we half expected some
activity by people in the area, but all that happened (besides the winds blowing suddenly,
and continuing throughout the night, blowing the big ear down in the process) was 6
gunshots in a row (panic shots?) at 2:10AM but the dogs stayed silent. By morning the bait we had set out was still
there… not even a bear nor any other animals had touched it! We headed on to Carrizozo, NM and then to Three
Rivers. Our campsite west of
Bonito Lake – a common area for bigfoot sightings At Three Rivers we
took some GPS coordinates (Lat/Long
is: 33 23.999N and 105 53.879W NAD27 at road where John was when he spotted it) of the area
where John Bohannon (the campground caretaker) had previously seen a bigfoot. He lives on the grounds full-time. He told us that around the 18th to the
20th of Nov, 2004 (just a number of weeks before we arrived) between 9PM and
midnight he was sitting in his little trailer (Lat/Long is: 33 24.065N by 105 53.220W
NAD27) when he heard footsteps on the gravel on the north side of his home. Then he heard the water bucket (which was about ½
full of water) handle being “played with” as the handle was lifted, dropped,
lifted, and dropped, several times at the head of his trailer. Then he heard footsteps continue in the gravel
driveway near the front of his trailer and he saw a shadow, in the moonlight, pass by the
window. He saw the upper torso, arms, etc.
but the head was too high to see. He
didn’t say he saw the actual body, but the shadow.
He got the willies so just stayed inside for a while. When he went out later the cats were sitting on
the couch on his front patio area, not far from the front door. Everything seemed in place at that point. Bigfoot was the only sensible explanation to John
for what he had seen. We gave him some
plaster to keep nearby so if he ever finds footprints he can cast one of them. John’s trailer
where a large shadow passed by his window (head taller than the window) One last and
interesting thing John did tell us about is a cavern “that makes Carlsbad and
Lechugia Cave look puny in comparison.” He
said it was near Bent; between there and Mescalero. He
said he had entered it in his younger days back before it was closed off by the government
in the 1960’s. If this cave is hiding
out there somewhere then that is huge evidence of karst in this bigfoot “hot spot” area. Caves
are one of the things which we are looking at in the locality(ies) where bigfoot resides
in case they use it for shelter. The
limestone protokarst area in Ruidoso was a small but viable indication of that
possibility. It is obvious that we did not
find bigfoot, however, on this trip, but we certainly made some headway into understanding
the geology and the terrain in which bigfoot lives and continues to successfully hide. Perhaps next time. One day… one
day… Written 1/3/05 by
Sharon Eby
Additional Reportings for the Map below: I am adding in a couple of items here that are not written up as actual reports for this site, but are found elsewhere. One is the few bigfoot sightings (includes the Mescalero Apache Indian Reservation) in Otero and Lincoln counties in southern NM (listed on the bfro site here) and the other is a scent (like a cross between a wet dog and a skunk - smelled just after I felt an "ominous" presence outside and double-checked the locks on my house before leaving because it was so eerie) I picked up of what I believe to be a bigfoot in the Hueco Mountains area (1 mi. north of Montana St) in December, 2004 in my front yard at aprrox. 10:45pm.
(c) Sharon (Eby) Cornet 2011